What is a Tweaker
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A tweaker is a meth abuser who probably has not slept in 3-15 days and is irritable and paranoid. Tweakers are considered the most dangerous type of meth abuser to medical personnels, and law enforcement officers. Tweakers often behave or react violently and if a tweaker is using alcohol or another depressant, his negative feelings and associated dangers intensify. The tweaker craves more meth, but no dosage will help re-create the euphoric high, which causes frustration, and leads to unpredictably and potential for violence. To an outside observer a tweaker can appear normal. Their eyes can be clear, speech concise, and movements brisk. However, a closer look will reveal that their eyes are moving ten times faster than normal, their voice has a slight quiver, and their movements are quick and jerky. These physical signs are more difficult to identify if the tweaker is using a depressant. Tweakers are often involved in domestic disputes and motor vehicle accidents. They may also be present at "raves" or parties and they may participate in spur-of-the-moment crimes, such as purse snatchings or assaults, to support their habit.


Here are six  safety tips for approaching a tweaker provided by the police

  1. When in the presence of a tweaker keep a 7-10 ft. distance. Coming too close can be perceived as threatening.
  2. Do not shine bright lights at him. The tweaker is already paranoid and if blinded by a bright light he is likely to run or become violent.
  3. When communicating with a tweaker slow your speech and lower the pitch of your voice. A tweaker already hears sounds at a fast pace and in a high pitch.
  4. Slow your movements. This will decrease the odds that the tweaker will misinterpret your physical actions.
  5. It is important it keep your hands visible. If you place your hands where the tweaker cannot see them, he might feel threatened and could become violent.
  6. Do your best to keep the tweaker talking. A tweaker who falls silent can be extremely dangerous. Silence often means that his paranoid thoughts have taken over reality, and anyone present can become part of the tweaker's paranoid delusions.

What is a Tweaker
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