Signs and Symptoms of a Meth User
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Identifying a Meth User

There are several ways of identifying a meth user. Listed below is a generalized list of symptoms of a meth user, keep in mind that just because a person is experiencing the symptoms listed below does not automatically mean that they are using meth.

Users may experience: agitation, excited speech, decreased appetites, and increased physical activity levels (Other common symptoms include dilated pupils, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, and elevated body temperature). Occasional episodes of sudden and violent behavior, intense paranoia, visual and auditory hallucinations, and bouts of insomnia. A tendency to compulsively clean and groom and repetitively sort and disassemble objects such as cars and other mechanical devices.

  • increased heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration
  • flushed or tense appearance
  • dilated pupils
  • bloodshot eyes
  • a chemical odor on their breath
  • excessive sweating
  • rapid speech
  • inability to sleep or eat
  • severe weightloss
  • rotting teeth
  • scars and open sores
  • paranoia
  • hallucinations (often times auditory)
  • repetitive behavior
  • memory loss
  • depression
  • psychosis
  • teeth grinding
  • restlessness
  • tremors

Signs and Symptoms of a Meth User
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