What is Meth
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Crystal meth is a Central Nervous System (CNS) Stimulant and is a powerful and highly addictive illegal drug. It is made up of a chemical compound that is toxic to humans. An estimated 42% of first time crystal meth users report an intense desire to use the drug again. It is estimated that 84% of second time crystal meth users begin a dangerous pattern of increasing their meth use. Amazingly, some first-time users report that they did not even think that they were high initially because they just felt so great! The initial addiction is "mostly mental", users want to "feel great" (get high again - stay on a drug run), and do not realize the damage that is being done "internally" to their body and brain.

Even after a crash, many users report that they "felt fine", with little "hangover" effect. Anyone struggling with low self-esteem (most teenagers), is highly susceptible to Crystal Meth addiction. Also any youth or adult who have previously been given Ritalin or other stimulant to treat ADHD as a child, seem to be a 'natural addict' as the chemical transmission path in their brain has already been 'burned in'. Users of crystal meth are equally divided between men and women which is unusual. Often, men are the predominate gender when it comes to drug abuse.


  • D-type Methamphetamine (Crystal Meth, Crystal, JIB, Sister, GIB, Ice)
    • Methamphetamine is often described as being clear shiny crystals varying in size from sugar crystals on up.
    • Methamphetamine is often smoked in one chamber glass pipes bongs, broken light bulbs, etc.
    • Methamphetamine is heated and activated with lighters or micro-torches. When heated the crystals form a liquid puddle before turning into a vapor.
    • Once methamphetamine is smoked it only takes between 3-5 seconds for the user to begin to experience its effects. These effects may last between 8 to 24 hours.
  • L-type Amphetamine (Speed, Crank, Grit, Smack, Yellow)
    • Amphetamine is a powder and can vary from clear to white, to yellowish, or pinkish.
    • Amphetamines are often inhaled up the nose (snorted or bumped).
    • Amphetamines can also be injected (this is more common among older addicts, or addicts who have previously injected cocaine or heroin).
    • Another method of amphetamine ingestion is orally via pressed tablet pills, or powder caplets.
    • Once amphetamines are taken by injection the user begins to experience its effects within 15- 30 seconds. These effects can last between 4 to 6 hours.
    • Amphetamines are often mixed with other drugs or mislabeled as Ecstasy. More than 58% of Ecstasy-like pills contain methamphetamine. (as per RCMP) Ecstasy is also considered physiologically harmful.
    • Once amphetamines are taken orally the user begins to experience its effects within 15 - 20 minutes and may last up to 24 hours.


What are the psychological and physiological effects of meth?

Below is a list of the most common psychological and physiological effects of crystal meth.

  • Psychological effects of meth
    • The euphoria of crystal meth is similar to cocaine but more of a mental rush.
    • The effects of crystal meth last much longer than other drugs (6-8 hours on average). This extended duration of time makes a significant difference on the user.s psychological state, especially if they abuse the drug for days on end.
    • As mentioned above, users will abuse the crystal meth for a long period of time enabling them to enter into a run state with repeated use to maintain their high.
    • With continued and repeated use of crystal meth the user is able to stay awake for a few days, up to several weeks at a time. This takes a severe toll on their psychological stability.
    • Generally an user will keep using until they just can't get high anymore.
    • Eventually the crystal meth user has to crash (sleep) putting an end to their long run of staying up and using for days on end. Generally the longer the run, the longer the crash.
    • Users may occasionally experience chemically induced schizophrenia, and toxic psychosis.
  • Physiological effects of meth
    • Cracked lips (JIB sores), skin rashes or sores from scratching and itching.
    • "Speed bumps" where toxins begin to build up under your skin and form bumps.
    • Other symptoms: Hyper alertness, mental confusion, inability to focus on one task, cramping & muscle spasms.
    • Users Eyes: Constricted, or dilated pupils. Extremely rapid eye movements.
    • Prolonged use may occasionally cause blurred vision, dizziness, and loss of coordination.
    • Users may occasionally experience brain toxicity, kidney, liver and lung failure, heart disease.
    • Prolonged chronic use may in rare cases lead to death, generally due to a sudden "failure" of a vital organ, heart attack, or stroke (a rupture or an obstruction of an artery in the brain).
    • Users may occasionally experience permanent brain damage - even with minimal use.

What is Meth
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